"Drive for Change" - Pledge Drive

This blog was originally started to document our journey across the country while raising money for a well in Kenya, Africa.    If you would like to read about that trip, the description is below and follow the link to the beginning of the blog.


Description:  About a month ago, we decided to take a trip across the country for a family reunion in L.A.  Early on, we had to make the decision to drive or fly.  About that time was when the girls came to us with ideas about raising money for people in Africa.  God gave me the idea to let the girls do a pledge drive -- to drive for change!  So we're blogging our drive across the country and we're asking for your "change" to help change the lives of the Pokot people in Kenya!

What you can do:   Follow our journey across the country -- a mommy, a grandma (Yes, my mom is braving the road with us!  Way to go Grandma!), 5 kids, and a fish!  (sure to be some laughable times!)  

If you would like to help Libby, Kady, and Ally raise money for their Well Project in Africa, they are accepting pledges for the drive.  We will be driving a little over 6000 miles.

Possible pledge options:  

$.01 per 5 miles = $12.00
$.01 per 2 miles = $30.00
$.01 per miles = $60.00

(Or whatever else you would like to come up with!  I may even offer them a few pledges of my own -- like $.01 for every minute of school we accomplish in the car, or $.01 for every minute of complete quiet, or $.10 for every time someone offers to let a sibling choose the next movie!  This could be quite helpful!  :o)  )

If you would like to make a pledge, your donations would go through Vytrak International, a 501c3, so your donations would be tax deductible.  Please email Libby, Kady, and Ally at deharms22@yahoo.com or leave a comment on the blog!

