Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Eve and Gory Details...

So Christmas Eve didn't turn out quite like I had planned.  I woke up Christmas Eve morning with my right ear plugged.  Now if you know my history with my right ear, you know we do not get along very well...we have issues.  This day was no different.  I immediately walked to the neighborhood clinic to get some antibiotics.  I was in and out of there in about 20 minutes, not a single form to fill out, and a total cost of 35 cede (app. $18).  I may be wrong, but it kind of felt like they have something figured out...?

On the way home from the clinic, I ran into these guys! you see those horns?!?  Those horns give THEM the right of way.  (they are much bigger in person, trust me!)

I got home from the clinic with my meds but as is usually the case, the medicine can't get in my system fast enough to avoid the inevitable.  Within a couple hours, I was fighting the mother-of-all ear infections.  Ear infections for me are not like other people's ear infections.  It kind of feels like my brain is trying to be birthed out my ear canal.  I'm talking sitting on my bed (because it hurts worse to lay down) in the fetal position having to completely focus on breathing through the pain and totally unable to answer any questions in any sort of intelligible manner.  (At some point in the ordeal, Libby strung a jump rope across the hallway with a sign saying "Do NOT go past this point!"  My memory does not recall what I said or did that incited this but apparently she got the picture...  :) )  This lasted for about 1.5 hours after which (here's where the gore comes in!) my ear drum finally ruptured.  (No, this does not usually happen with ear infections but its par for the course with me.)  Although rupturing does long term damage to my hearing, in the moment, the relief from the pain was welcomed.  This isn't the first time.  I will recover.  I spent the rest of the day resting and watching Christmas movies with my kids.  (I even got a Christmas Eve nap out of the deal!)  It turned into a restful evening and I loved watching my kids excitedly anticipate Christmas morning.  Even far from home, visions of sugarplums danced in their heads that night!  :)

1 comment:

  1. I cried as I read your last line. You always find something good to say when things are bleak. We will pray that your ear heals back without damage. We love you!
