Sunday, April 7, 2013


For the last couple months, we have been doing "home church" on Sunday mornings.  It has been a sweet time for our family.  The kids asked if they could plan and lead our Palm Sunday service.  Of course we agreed!  They joined the numerous towns people in "harvesting" real palm branches from the yard for the occasion. 

The "special music team" singing a couple songs they wrote themselves.
There was worship, prayer, preaching, Scripture reading, and a guest reader (me) reading our next chapter in Dangerous Journey...

...oh...and an "altar" decorated with Bougainvillea branches.

Kady reading the Last Supper passage before our communion time.
Libby prepared "special" communion for us to share as a family consisting of bread and the leftover (somewhat flat) Sprite from the night before.

The Worship Team!

After communion, a tithe basket was passed around...followed by another basket to collect money for Ally's Soap Business.  (at least she intends to use her earnings for the poor!)

Kady and Ally closing us in prayer
It was a sweet time to see their hearts and creativity come out in worship.  I so cherish the memories we'll have of this season.

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