Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Day

First of all, if you are not a grandparent, I apologize for the obsessive number of pictures in this post (yes, there are 44!).  If you are a grandparent, then you understand.  If you are OUR grandparent...your welcome! :)

We had an amazing day as a family in celebration of Christ's birth.  I was nervous.  I knew things would feel different for the kids and I really really wanted them to feel loved this day.  But I needn't have worried.  The kids felt loved and the best part was that they actively LOVED.  It was awesome.  At one point we even heard, "Mom, this is the BEST Christmas EVER!"  So thankful for Jesus.  So thankful for his birth.  So thankful for the reminder that Christmas is not about the experience of the day but about experiencing Him as a person.  So thankful that HIS PRESENCE can make anywhere the best Christmas ever.

Here is how we celebrated HIM...

This is what our kids woke up to Christmas morning...

We started the morning decorating our Thankfulness tablecloth.  I had brought this white tablecloth and fabric markers to do this on Thanksgiving but...well...we had only been here a couple days and my brain wasn't working quite yet.  So we thought this morning was a perfect morning to reflect on what we were thankful for as a family.

After our breakfast of banana bread, fruit, and juice, the kids opened their stockings.

This year, the kids got the chance to read the Christmas story to the family.  Kady read it out of Luke 2 from her Bible and Ally read our favorite board book version to the little ones.

...and Toby...well, Toby read "There's No Such Thing as a Dragon."  :)  It's not exactly tradition but we just went with it.

After our Christmas readings, the kids gave out their presents.  The last couple of years, they have drawn names and selected "secret" gifts for that sibling.  I LOVE how much thought they put into it and how well they know each other.  They all did so great selecting their gifts for each other.  The reactions were priceless.  :)

In addition to their secret sibling gifts, many of them had other gifts they had wrapped up to give out.  Libby had worked hard and earned extra money to buy something for each family member out of the $ bins at Target, Walmart, and Dollar Tree.  She did such a good job on her limited budget to pick really neat things for each person that they loved.  (I got chocolate!  :) )   [*Not Pictured: birdhouse for Kady (she had been wanting one!), matchbox for Toby, stick-on earrings for Chloe (always a winner with this girl!)]

a cowgirl hat for Ally's Felicity doll

 Sour Punch straws for Daddy

Kady wrote an awesome book entitled "All About Kady's Daddy."  It was precious...

(a Libby photo bomb)

Ally had written a song for each person and sang it to them.

Toby and Chloe didn't want to miss out on the giving action.  Toby wrapped up plastic water bottles with paper "balls" in them and Chloe wrapped up a bowl of "spaghetti" for me (which also solved the mystery of the missing bowl and spoon).  Love these kids' hearts!  :)

Next, the kids got to open some gifts from us and grandparents.  All of the kids were thrilled with their gifts but this little girl was especially fun.  Libby always enjoys gifts and is thankful for them but just isn't very demonstrative in her reactions.  This year, Friends Legos were at the top of her hearts desires.  She got 2 of the sets and each set was met with shrieks and giggles.  It was really fun to see her so excited.

Chloe showing some excitement for her big sis.  Love it! 

The kids really loved giving Ernestina her gifts also.  This sweet gal was FUN to bless!  The kids each made her cards and Ally even sewed her a stocking that all the kids stuffed with little homemade treasures.  (Ally was positive that if all of us had stockings, Ernestina needed to have one as well!  *precious*)

 Opening her stocking

She loved her gifts and let out a whoop and holler with each one!  Like I said, she was fun to bless!  :)

Our Little Ghana Family!

For dinner, we did our traditional Christmas pizza dinner.  (I even had a stash of pepperonis I had brought from the States for the occasion!)  

This little girl doesn't love pizza but she was super excited when Mommy busted out the Frosty Stars and Raisin Bran cereal for her for dinner.  Yes, I'm serious!  Christmas dinner fit for a queen...who isn't hard to please.  :)

After dinner, the kids opened some more presents and we played some games together.

 Cinderella showed up for Christmas and has spent the last several days with us!  :)

Overall, it was such a great and relaxing day.  Uncle Enoch and Auntie Lydia came by in the evening and we sat on the porch singing while Enoch played Toby's new African drum.  We closed our time with them with a Christmas prayer then came inside for snuggle time and reading in our Advent book.  

It is truly a time of blessing.  During this holiday season, we pray that your family not only experiences a day, but also experiences the PERSON...His Joy...His Peace...His PRESENCE!

Merry Christmas from Ghana!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you ever so much Erin for sharing your Christmas with us. Love all the pictures because, after all, I'm Grandma. Thank you, Jesus, for such a special day!
