Friday, January 11, 2013

Libby's First Post - An Adventure with Daddy!

Libby completely wrote this herself...I just typed it!  :)  Enjoy!

Yesterday I went out with my Daddy and we had to get a package which was for our family from friends in the US.  To get to Tema, we were going to hop onto a tro tro (which is a big car).  We waited for at least half an hour doing a finger sign to try to make a tro tro stop but it never stopped.  So we decided to go up the road and get a taxi.  As soon as we decided to get a taxi, it took us a long time to walk to get one.  As soon as we got to Tema, we went into the post office.  We were going to get the package, but the lady who was helping us said we needed to get a copy of my Daddy’s ID card.  So we went up to the front desk and asked where we could go to get a copy.  First we thought that she said we could go around the corner.  Then someone came and  asked if we needed help.  Daddy said, “We’re just trying to get a copy.”  The African man said we couldn’t go back there cause it was a restricted area.  Poor us!  We had to go all the way back to where we started at the front desk.  Then we asked the lady again and she said we could go to Vodaphone.  At least that’s what my Daddy thought.  So we ended up going to the next door Vodaphone where a lady asked us if we needed help.  My Daddy said that we needed to get a copy of his ID card.  The lady kept saying “Toffee?  Toffee?” (toffee means candy).  Then finally my Daddy said, “No, we need a COPY.  Do you know where the copy machine is?”  The lady said “No, I don’t know where it is.  Go to the back of the store and see if they can help you.”  But then when we got to the back of the store, my Daddy spotted the copy machine.  Another man came and asked “Can I help you?”  Daddy said, “Yes, may we use your copy machine?”  The man said “No” so we left and went back to the post office.  Then Daddy told the lady that Vodaphone wouldn’t let us make a copy.  Then the lady said “No, No.  Vodaphone no give you copy.”  Then the lady led us up the street to another place.  Then we saw another lady and she said she would give us a copy for 30 pesewas which is 15 cents in the US.  Then finally we got our copy and finally we got our package.  Yeah!!!  Then to get back, we waited for a tro tro.  While we waited for the tro tro, we bought a fried plantain from a really kind lady for lunch.  When the tro tro came, Daddy made sure they said they were going to the Ashaiman round about.  But then they dropped us off at the wrong place.  Daddy got kind of frustrated.  So then we just hopped on a taxi that was 10 cedi (about $5) for each of us.  Then we stopped to get some FanIce (which is ice cream) before we went home.  But when we got there, Daddy asked the man,”Do you have Fan Ice?”  He said “No” and closed the door.  I giggled a little bit.  When we left the shop, my Daddy decided to carry the box on his shoulder.  Then we were passing a field, we saw little children laughing and saying, “Ubruni! Ubruni! Ubruni!” which means “White people! White people!”  After we got home, later that night, we got to open our box with lots of fun stuff!!!


  1. good writing, lib! that sounds like quite the adventure with your daddy! we want to send a package too! tell your mommy to send aunt mandy the address :) love you

  2. Hi Libby! It's Teresa from Michigan. That sounds like it was really really fun even though it took a while for the package. I was wondering, I wanted to send you a few things, so how can we get your address? (My mom's phone got wiped out so we lost your Colorado address.)If your mom still has my mom's email address maybe she could send it to her again. I wrote you a letter and copied a picture for you. I'll write you again.
