Saturday, January 12, 2013

Field Trip

A couple weeks ago, we took the kids on their first excursion away from the neighborhood.  We hired a couple of taxis and hit the road.  The kids were pretty excited to go exploring.  Unfortunately, I took a lot of pictures out the car window on our drive that morning and then didn't pull my camera out again!  :(

Here's what we saw that day along the roadside...

 This was my car full.  The rest road with Daddy in the other taxi.

Holiday goats for sale!

 Yams for sale...a main staple in Ghana!  They are not at all like sweet potatoes.  They are huge, have a different texture and taste a little more like potatoes.  We use them instead of potatoes a lot because they are cheaper and much more readily available.  When mixed with other things, you can't tell the difference.

"Mystery Rodent" for sale.  I still haven't quite figured out what these are but they have tails. 

We saw these 2 just meandering through a gas station parking lot.  Many animals just roam the city so sometimes its comical where they wind up. 

 This gentleman was hauling some dinner to the roadside goats on his bicycle.

Our first stop was the Accra mall.  This is the most modern mall in the country.  It has a grocery store, home store, clothing shops, restaurants, and a MOVIE THEATER!  We took the kids to see Wreck It Ralph!  They were SO excited to see a movie theater in Ghana!

After the movie, we did a little shopping and ate pizza at the Pizza Inn.  Then we headed to a nearby market where they sold wood carvings, paintings, and other gift items.  I wish I had pics of this but I was too busy helping the kids bargain.  We had given each of the kids 10 cedi for Christmas for them to choose something at the market.  It was fun to see what each of them wound up with.  Ally bought a wooden turtle family with 5 little turtles.  Toby bought a painting.  Chloe bought a little hand drum and Kady bought a wooden elephant and an elephant bottle opener so she could open her own pop.  Libby is still deciding so she will buy hers on our next trip out.  

It was such a fun day out as a family and it was really fun to show the kids more of our new city!

1 comment:

  1. it makes me so happy that you had a family day like that! can't wait to see and hug and hear all of your stories!
