Sunday, February 3, 2013

Team Time!

We are finishing up our second week with some/all of the team here.  It's been so good to have everyone here working together...learning together...processing together...  (apparently we've been too busy to take many team pictures but I have a few)

The first day we were all here, all 14 of us headed out with Father Abraham in his tro tro to give everyone a tour of the city, shopping areas, neighborhoods, and industrial areas where we have been looking to locate the Vytrak site.

Here we are having a "fresh air" stop.  It was a good stop for hand clapping games and a chat with a
South American who is here working for a phone company.  

It was an experiential day of heat, roads, dirt, traffic...  It was good for everyone to get some ideas of life here before beginning the work week but I'm not sure anyone was anxious to jump on a tro tro for a  few days!

Stopping at a money exchange

The cousins are having a blast together!  I think Uncle Ryan may have had something to do with how soaked they are here!

Aunt Kim has taken it upon herself to keep this crew safe by confiscating all the random machetes we keep finding around the house and yard.  She now has 3 safely in her possession!

Adam and Pat spent the first week researching, exploring, building, taking apart, reassembling, measuring, and drawing a couple competitor vehicles.  At the end of the week, these 2 bad boys came rolling into our yard!

This little one we have fondly christened "The Bumblebee".  It's a cute little thing and I quickly claimed it as my wheels to getting to and from the roadside with fruit for this crew (especially mangos!).

This big fella we named "the Blue Beast".  Here's Don about to take it for a test drive in the neighborhood.  Stephen (yellow shirt) and Justice (red shirt) are Vytrak's first 2 Ghanaian employees and were in charge of driving the 2 finished vehicles from Accra to our house in Tema.

Funny Faces in the back of the Blue Beast!

This girl is ready for some WHEELS!

Stephen and Crew!

Stephen and Justice got a kick out of the kids funny face pictures.  Here's Justice trying his hand at one of his own!

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