Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Water and Raffle and HOPE!

(*Note: At this moment, we have power and internet at the same time. This hasn't happened for a couple weeks.  Rejoicing!)

I have been thinking a lot about water lately.  Ghana is in a water shortage right now.  What this means for us is that the main water lines to our house are only opened a couple times a month right now.  When the water flows, it fills reserve tanks in the back yard.  Those reserve tanks hold our family's rationed amount of water for a couple weeks.  This week, our tanks got very very low.  We reached a point where the next time the power went out (which right now is averaging 12 out of every 36 hours), we would not have access to running water.  We started filling every bucket and pail in the house...and we PRAYED.  Now because we have money, I know our family would never be in a life threatening situation.  Inconvenienced...yes.  But we can always purchase water.  We are in a city where bagged and bottled water are readily available to those who can afford it.  In a couple situations when the tanks have gotten too low, we have even bathed ourselves in bottled water.

But in our world today, many people don't have this luxury.  As I am thinking about water, I am acutely aware of the fact that clean water is not an option for so many.  Some of these people live miles from where I now live.  We've all heard the statistics.  We all know about the water crisis.  Well, today I have a fun opportunity for you to be a part of bringing HOPE through clean water.

My dear sister-in-law, Mandy, is hosting a Water Raffle right now at her blog.  She is teaming up with The Adventure Project...who are amazing...they are friends...they are the real deal.  They are passionate about fighting poverty through sustainable enterprise...creating jobs...giving dignity...sharing HOPE.  I LOVE this vision.  It's why I'm living in Ghana...  :)

So I'm late in sharing this opportunity (no internet) but I would love for you to jump over to her blog and check out her raffle.  Be inspired by her heart and enjoy some fun shopping.  There are lots of fun things to bid on.  (You can even bid on some specialty hand-sewn Ghanaian bags made by our dear friend Ernestina!)  The raffle has been underway for a few days but it will be going on until World Water Day on March 22nd so you still have time to join in.  Check it out at HERE.

Oh...and our main water lines opened last night so we now have running water again.  Hallelujah!!!

1 comment:

  1. thanks, sis! i love you and can not wait to hug you :)
