Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Farewell Dear Friend...

In 2001, a roly-poly fur ball joined our little family of two.  I guess you could say she was our first "baby" (she even kept us up all night the entire first week!).  We named her Rahab...

This adorable pup eventually grew into a 120 pound teddy bear.  She was independent, gentle, loyal, and incredibly patient.  She was perfect for our family.  When we first brought Libby home, Rahab ventured up our wooden staircase (that she never went up before) to lay her body across the doorway of Libby's room whenever she was sleeping.  All of our children learned to walk by grabbing fist fulls of her fur to pull themselves up.  As toddlers, they would climb on her back when she was laying down and she would watch for opportunities to "kiss" their often sticky fingers or faces.  She was our gentle giant... 

Rahab always drew a lot of attention.  She was fawn colored with a curly tail and the sweetest, softest brown eyes.  She came from champion show dogs 3 generations back and she walked with the strength and power of royalty that you couldn't help but notice.  And yes...at times...she demanded to be treated as such.  She understood boundaries and stayed within her limits but we didn't dare try to confine her with any sort of gate or kennel.  She did not tolerate being treated in such an undignified manner and let us know in such situations by masterfully earning her nickname of "Houdini Dog."  She was the queen of her domain...

To most, she was the friendliest of dogs.  She was convinced that everyone that walked through our door was there to see her and she eagerly greeted each one with her signature full-body wag.  However, on two different occasions, she protected our home and family from late-night burglars.  When her instincts recognized danger on the other side of our door, she responded with a fierceness we never heard or saw in her other than those 2 occasions.  Her presence made us feel safe...

As we have been processing and preparing for our family's move to Africa, many have asked what that would mean for Rahab.  Though we didn't have all the answers, I had a very distinct peace that God had a plan regarding her...

As I was in the middle of researching how we could transport her to Africa, that plan began to become more clear.  About 6 weeks ago, Rahab suffered a serious leg injury.  Although we did as much treatment as her age (11 years) would allow, it became clear that she would never regain any use of that leg again.  As the last 6 weeks have progressed, her body continued to decline very quickly.  It became very apparent by this morning that her body was shutting down and it was time to say goodbye to our sweet friend.

Although it was a difficult and emotional day, I am very thankful for many aspects of it.  Don was scheduled to leave early this morning on a business trip but because we were able to discern what was going on early, he was able to postpone his trip a few hours and spend the morning with us before taking her in this afternoon.  It was a special time with her complete with a farewell feast...

I am thankful that her time came quickly but that we also had enough time to prepare the kids.  Their precious ways of processing today were a source of comfort to me.  I am thankful that she doesn't have to go through the transition of the next few months as I know that would have been hard for her.  I am thankful that the timing of today was very clear and that no aspect of it was affected by the fact that we are 12 days from our move date.  Today was the day that God ordained for our family to say goodbye.

This may not have been the plan I would have chosen, but God's plan in this is GOOD and SO full of mercy.  For that, I'm thankful...

We will miss you sweet Rahab.  Thank you for the 11 years of joy that you brought our family.  You served us and loved us well.

Farewell Dear Friend...


  1. Farewell dear friend, indeed. She was a great companion. A tough day for everyone, I am sure. She always let our first "baby" know who was boss...and Cymon's ear could attest to that as she chewed on it the entire time they would be together. Speaking of the kids pulling her hair...I can remember pulling out her hair and making huge piles of hair...you always thought you were done, then you'd fill another bag.

    1. Oh yes...poor Cymon! She always did love a good ear chew! I told the kids yesterday, "Maybe she's in heaven right now chewing on Cymon's ear again!" And oh the pillows we could have stuffed during shedding season. It just never ended!!! Thank you Scott...

  2. tears streaming down my face. what a beautiful tribute to sweet rahab! we will miss her too!

  3. Farewell Rahab. Don, Erin and kids - so sorry for the loss of a dear friend. We'll all miss her!

    Love you guys...
