Sunday, December 2, 2012

Church Service

Today was our second week attending church here in the neighborhood.  The church is within walking distance but a friend has graciously let us borrow his van both weeks so we can enjoy AC until we arrive.  The service is held in a cement building with open doors and windows.  Its nice to have a little breeze on such hot days but we usually sweat quite a bit during the service, especially since Tobin and Chloe insist on being on our laps.  (I keep telling them they would be cooler in their own chairs but they still like to snuggle, regardless of how hot.)

When we pulled the van up this week, a little group of children erupted jumping up and down with excitement because they were so excited to see our little "ubruni" kids.  This melted my heart as I LOVE that our kids are making some friends.

(The view from my seat...)

Last week, I got asked to speak for a few minutes to lead in communion.  This has not been the first time we have been spontaneously asked to say something during a service in Africa so although I wasn't prepared, it had crossed my mind that morning and I wasn't totally taken off guard.  This week we just enjoyed being a part of the service and greeting slightly more familiar faces.  The big kids joined a group of other kids for the children's church outside in an open gazebo area.  The little ones kind of come and go from children's church and our laps.  Everyone has been very welcoming.  Each week there has been discussion about who would translate for us and someone always graciously volunteers.

My favorite time is during singing.  I can't understand most of the words (they usually sing 1 or 2 in English and the rest in Ewe) but there is something amazing about worshipping in music and prayer with people who don't speak your tongue.  During prayer time, they all raise their voices at one time and the room is a buzz with the voices of God's children.  Worship is its own beauty and to just sit, close your eyes, and listen to worship in another language...well...its a taste of heaven...literally heaven...right here on earth...when every knee shall bow, and every tongue (in all tongues) shall confess Jesus as LORD.  AMAZING!!!

And there's DANCING...OH IS THERE DANCING!!  The women get a turn, then the men get a turn, and this week the kids got a turn.  It's full-body movement around the room.  I totally have "ubruni" rhythm so I fixate on someone each week and copy what they are doing...just in my chair.  But next week, I'm totally jumping in that dancing train around the room..."ubruni" rhythm or not!

This week the kids joined in the fun!  (I think they thought they were lining up to go to class and next thing they knew, they were dancing around the room!)  They were a little shy but got into it by the end.  Can you spot all 5 of them?!?

And just for the record...they got my rhythm!  (we'll have to work on that...)


  1. oh my. i LOVED those videos. how happy my heart is to know you have a neighborhood church and the kids are making friends.

  2. Love love love the videos! thank you for being awkward at the moment by filming worship so we can all see it and hear it with our own eyes and ears. What a delight to be able to worship with them in such a free setting! I can't wait to see you get your groove on, Erin! The kids are enjoying seeing your blog too. Riley told me tonight she thought we should go to Africa too, "because they make it look fun" and to her credit, "to go and help like they are".
