Thursday, December 6, 2012

Singin' in the Rain!

The power was out all day today until about 8:30 tonight.  This made for a toasty morning.  But we were blessed with our first official thunderstorm this afternoon.  I've always liked the sound of rain but you've never heard a thunderstorm until you've heard it on a corrugated metal roof!  Since the kids couldn't hear me anyway, we delayed afternoon school and played instead.  The storm brought an amazing cool breeze and an added fun element to the kids' outdoor play.  Now they could not only get filthy...but soaked and MUDDY also!  They couldn't have been happier! (and its the first time in several weeks I've heard them say they were cold!) 

Kady walking under the "waterfall" coming off the roof.

The bummer part about the storm is it showed us two roof leaks.  No permanent damage though!  We laid our school work out on the table and dress up clothes in the bathroom to dry.  It looks like the electronics will dry out fine and Don and I only have a small damp spot left in our bed.  We were so thankful there weren't any computers, etc that got wet.

Ernestina wound up being gone all day today.  She went into town to get a couple of things before the weekend and got stuck in "election" traffic.  (It's Ghana's election day tomorrow so the city is pretty busy.)  It took her 5 hours to get home.  She felt really bad but I assured her we managed our day pretty well.  We took our walk to see "Auntie Vivian" for our water and some juice to try popsicles again with and I even managed dinner by myself by candlelight.  (Ummm... I defrosted leftovers from the freezer and cooked rice.  It's amazing what I consider success these days!  :)  )  Overall it was a fun day and we're excited to see the results of the election tomorrow... (from our house of course!)


  1. Wow!! It sounds like the leaking was pretty extensive. Will you be able to get it fixed for the next rainfall? So glad there was nothing permantly damaged. Praise God!!!

  2. I love seeing the smiles on the faces of the children!!! What a blessing to see!!! Tell them we love them!!!

  3. I just had to reread this and look at those beautiful smiles again!!! Miss you all!
