Friday, October 4, 2013

Ghana...It's Good to be Back!

Yesterday marked 1 week since our arrival in Ghana.  We have SO much to be thankful for.  

As our plane was preparing to land in Accra last Thursday night, I gazed out the airplane window at the spotted twinkling lights of the village fires, then the bright lights of the city that we would now call home.  I wondered what life would hold for us here.  Questions flooded my mind... Would it be strange stepping off the airplane again into this place that seemed so foreign to us last year?  Would the children be scared?  Would my heart wake back up from the crazy emotions of the summer?  Did I forget to pack anything that we need?!?

Then the moment came...  The airplane doors were opened...the staircase was lowered...E.V.E.R.Y single other person disembarked from the plane while we were still gathering headphones, coloring books, and softy blankets...then it was our turn.  I stepped out into the warm Ghanaian night and my eyes filled with tears before I could get down the stairs...the sights...the sounds...the smells...I KNEW them.  The air was thick with familiarity.  Its hard to explain but it was such a stark contrast to the moment we left the plane last November that I was overcome with emotion.  This was my new home.

Ghana and I...we are no longer complete strangers but are well on our way to being great friends.  It feels really good to be back and I am SO thankful for that.


  1. Oh my goodness. Love this! And you.

  2. Awesome post, Erin. Love you guys! ~ David

  3. Catching up with you and so happy that you feel at home!!!! I love all your posts!!!! Love, Mom
