Sunday, February 17, 2013

Celebrating Our Valentines!

This past week we celebrated our two little Valentines!  Their entrance into the world 8 years ago was not without their usual dramatic flare.  At 27 weeks pregnant, it seemed their arrival was imminent.  I was admitted to the hospital and told we could expect to deliver our girls in the following 48 hours.  I remember crying out "LORD, it's TOO soon!"  These were the first days of surrendering them to Jesus.  As parents, we LONG to protect and shelter our children from all difficulty.  But as I lay in that hospital bed, I knew their arrival was not in my control.  They were HIS...  For us, 48 hours turned into 7 weeks and on February 14, 2005, these 2 made their grand entrance into the world.  After just 10 days in the NICU, we were able to bring them home.  We were SO incredibly THANKFUL!

Because Uncle Adam, Aunt Kim, and Jordyn were leaving on the 13th, we scattered our celebrating through out the week.  On Monday, we had a Bojo Beach Birthday Bash! (Uncle Adam's birthday was also on the 13th)  The girls woke up in the morning to their big present before we left...


Then we all loaded up in Father Abraham's tro tro and headed for Bojo Beach.  It was a great family day with Adam, Kim, and Jordyn before they left and just what our family needed to refresh for the weeks ahead.

On the canoe ride across the inlet to the ocean

We almost had the beach to ourselves which was nice.  We did a lot of swimming and went for a long walk where we found some AMAZING specimens!  It was like our own little aquarium...ummm... except it was dead...

There were water snakes galore with plenty of shrimp and little fish nearby!

Don found a jellyfish and there was also a stingray that we didn't get a picture of!

The kids found a LOT of treasures on our walk.  There were big shells, pretty rocks, and even a few sand dollars!

Eating our Jollof Rice Lunch

The girls got pretty good on their boogie boards and were able to catch quite a few waves in.

Father Abraham!  (He always laughs when we bust out in the Father Abraham song!)

Even Mommy caught a couple waves!

The kids guys built a big sand castle with moats and gave a valiant effort in protecting it from the incoming tide.  But in the end, the ocean always wins...

Our sun-kissed crew!

When we got home from the beach, Kady and Ally opened some presents from Uncle Adam, Aunt Kim, and Jordyn - art supplies and a mini fooseball table!

On Tuesday night, we had the girls birthday dinner.  They chose fried chicken, french fries, mangos, and apple crisp with fan ice for dessert.  The power was out all night so we celebrated with flashlights and glowsticks!

We wanted them to have something special on their actual birthday so we saved one of their presents for Thursday.  When they went into bed that night, they were surprised to find new African dresses on their beds with their American Girl dolls wearing matching dresses made by their favorite seamstress!  Move over American Girl...Edinam Designs by Ernestina is in the house!

Watching birthday wishes from home

Kady ~ God has given you an incredible heart of mercy and compassion.  You feel the pain of others deeply and you weep with those who weep.  As your Mommy, I often want to protect your heart from the pain of the world, but I know that's not what God has for you.  Our prayer for you is that God would use your tender heart to continue to move you and those around you to action.  I already see you becoming an advocate for justice, a fighter for the least of these, and the comforting arms of Jesus to those you meet.  Keep shining HIS LIGHT baby girl!  We're so proud of you.  It's an honor to be your Mommy and Daddy!

Ally ~ From the time you were born, you have held STRONGLY to what you have believed.  This past year, God has called you to let go of a lot of much of what you know.  Although I was nervous for you, you have risen to the challenge and embraced the journey in front of you.  This journey hasn't been easy and we couldn't be more proud of how you've tackled it.  Our prayer for you is that your heart for Jesus would continue to run deep.  That you would fight hard and hold strongly to TRUTH.  Ally, God gave you a tenacity that doesn't back down or give in easily.  He is molding you and shaping you to be a FIGHTER for HIM.  Never let go of HIS TRUTH little girl!  We are so thankful that we get to be your Mommy and Daddy!      

Happy 8th Birthday Kady and Ally!!!

1 comment:

  1. oh i love this so much! they are so beautiful and they look SO old! can't wait to hug all of you! Happy Birthday Kady and Ally!
